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I just wanted to mention how happy I was with my last order. Lighting fast shipping and the colorful tissue with ribbon ties and the personal note were a very nice touch. Keep it up :)

Lucinda M. - Omaha, Nebraska


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Through the Woods

Imagine wrapping a cozy quilt around your shoulders as you stroll peacefully through a forest under a clear starlit sky. The softly glowing moon lights a pebbled path that meanders through a tangle of ferns, flora and fauna. Smoky, seasonal hues of golden honey and birch gray evoke feelings of warmth and comfortable solitude. Branches gently sway overhead as you revel in the quiet under the watchful eyes of a woodland owl...This is “Through the Woods,” the newest collection by Jackie MacDonald of Sweetfire Road.

Through the Woods - Flint
Through the Woods - Flint
Through the Woods - Goldenrod
Through the Woods - Goldenrod
  Through the Woods - All
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 Through the Woods FLINT Fat Quarter Gift Pack by Sweetfire Road 
 Through the Woods FLINT Fat Quarter Gift Pack by Sweetfire Road 
 $35.00 each
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 Through the Woods GOLDENROD Half Yard Gift Pack by Sweetfire Road 
 Through the Woods GOLDENROD Half Yard Gift Pack by Sweetfire Road 
 $60.00 each
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 Through the Woods Jelly Roll™ by Sweetfire Road 
 Through the Woods Jelly Roll™ by Sweetfire Road 
 $39.00 each
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Amy Butler Sweet Life Pearl Bag FPA09-Slate
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