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I have ordered from your web-site two times now, and I am very happy with the quick shipping and personal note in my order. The fabrics are beautiful. I will continue to shop with you in the future! Thankyou! Sincerely,

Hannah M. - Carbondale, Colorado


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“I have always loved the way a sketch looks before it becomes a more elaborate fabric design. I love to be able to see the thought process, the notes, eraser marks and original ideas that eventually become the artwork we love. The Linework fabric collection is my thought process on cloth. My notes and thoughts are printed directly on the cloth. It's like a peek behind the veil, like a tour of my mind. Color can be so distracting when looking at the work itself. This was my best attempt to narrow myself down to two crucial elements: Black and White. My main black and white prints focus on animals that live in this range: Zebras, Pandas, Lemurs, Albino Peacocks, and of course a skunk. While I tried my very best to produce these animals in their flawless black and white state, the color crept in. I couldn't help myself. Every print has a subtle ombre of background color that repeats at least twice from selvage to selvage so every fat quarter will contain a full spectrum of color! In addition to the 6 main focal prints I have rounded out the collection with black and white versions of a few of the True Colors prints. All of the colors present in the prints are pulled from the colors in my core True Colors fabrics. It is all designed to go together, each providing what the other needs.” ~ Tula Pink

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