I got my last order in 2 days!! You guys are incredible!! I've recommended you many times to other seamstresses. Great selection.
Donna P. - Leawood, Kansas
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COLLECTION: Piecemeal. “Welcome to Piecemeal, a fabric collection full of vibrant cotton prints for sewing magical projects for yourself and loved ones. This collection developed during a period in my life when I needed to embrace much unexpected change. I am no stranger to change and have always faced it head on, but this time I knew I needed to be strong, balanced, and self-nurturing or I would burn out. I have always been a believer of change because it pushes us forward, encourages growth, and can create new beginnings if we listen to our inner voice. With love and kindness in my heart, which I believe to be the foundation of our lives, I began a journey of looking inward in order to navigate and persevere through this storm. I needed to emotionally break the pieces of my life apart and reorganize these segments to result in a stronger me. By doing this, I could examine each part to gain perspective in relation to other pieces of my life. What resulted was a rejuvenation of sorts and by reshaping, deleting and reorganizing each part, my new life started to take form. Slowly I began to piecemeal my life back together and started the process of learning new patterns and rituals to encourage strength and momentum in a direction I now seek. Each piece of art in this fabric collection is grounded in botanicals where I always find refuge. Flip through the prints and you will find mid-century flavored bouquets, layers of petals and leaves, and microscopic views of plant cells reflecting that inward review of self. Pattern play is abstract, yet organically placed as I focused on their purpose within the group of prints. The color groups of Piecemeal are bright and happy with extensive versatility in cross-pollinating each print across all color ways. These are my favorite colors and offer a broad range of options. I love the collection for quilting projects with the variety in scale and color, and of course, I love them as individual designs for apparel and other sewing projects. Every design can be grounded with a solid or smaller print within the collection. I am delighted to bring you Piecemeal. It is truly a work from my soul in finding peace.” ~ Tina Givens