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It was so nice to be able to find all the fabrics to make a quilt featured in .... I shopped locally , and on several online stores. Some of the on line stores had a few each, and I was so delighted to find every fabric I needed at Quilt Home! I don't get to quilt a whole lot, but I really enjoy it, and from this point on I will start my search with you. Thank you!

Brenda C. - Pine Bluff, Arkansas


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Posy PWAR002-JULEP Fabric by Amy Reber
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Posy PWAR002-JULEP Fabric by Amy Reber


Beauty is all around us, yet art comes from within which Amy Reber exemplifies in her fresh, modern, and bold designs. As a self-taught artist and collage lover, Amy looks to the world around her for inspiration using a pen and paper to capture her initial artistic vision. For Amy, her goal is to create a personal connection through her art with the quilter who relies on design and color. The fresh, modern, and bold designs of Posy bring together simple shapes, not to be underestimated. Amy’s art is very therapeutic and soothing to her, which is evident in every pen stroke, color palette, and design. Amy wants Posy to provide that perfect sense of achievement and peaceful creation for the passionate quilter, as the red, green and pink florals blend with the near solids and subtle graphic undertones—a passionate outcome whether drawing art or sewing together designs, colors, fabrics, and thread.

DESCRIPTION: Perfect Petal - Julep

WIDTH: 44″/45″
WEIGHT: 165 g/yd
FABRIC: 100% Cotton
FINISH: Standard
Our Price: $11.00 per yard
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